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Frequently asked questions

How do you determine the water content of a heating system?

With the help of a diagram link, the water content can be read off on the basis of the boiler output.

Why should the heating be turned on?

The application of heat accelerates the sealing process, allowing the surrounding area to dry out better. Without heat, the time until the seal is complete is extended.

Can the sealant remain in the system?

REPA sealants can usually remain in the heating system. An exception to this are heating systems operated with therms and heat pumps. The REPA-Therm used here must be emptied after about 4 weeks by rinsing.

Should the heating system be in operation when filling with REPA sealants?

For ideal sealing, the heating system should be in operation. The circulation ensures that the sealant reaches everywhere. Heat accelerates the sealing process. If there is no heat, the process takes considerably longer.

What should you do if sealant drips onto the floor (tiles, parquet)?

The material must be removed immediately with water. It is not possible to clean it later. Never use cleaning agents.

Can REPA sealants be used for open systems or steam boilers?

It can be used without any problems. The large water surface with air contact poses no problem.

How long do REPA products keep?

The products for the heating sector can be stored indefinitely. The product NOVAP2000 can be stored for 2 years.

Do REPA products need to be protected from frost?

All REPA products are sensitive to frost and must be stored accordingly.

Can REPA sealants be used in systems that are filled with antifreeze?

Compatibility with antifreeze is not always guaranteed. However, it can be checked by means of a test. Mix a few drops of antifreeze with the sealant; if nothing happens, the agents are compatible with each other.

Can REPA-KS be mixed with other corrosion protection agents?

REPA-KS must never be used together with other corrosion protection agents.

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