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Our Self-Sealing Agents remove the Pressure from You.

Also in winter-time, you can repair leaks by means of the liquid tube sealing agents supplied by REPA-TECH –  without interrupting the heating process. In case of a renovation or new instal- lation in a house, you and your customers will determine the time when the repair work is to be carried out.
You will nowhere find a more convenient and easier way.

Sealing + Repair

Liquid heating sealing by means of products with REPA-TECH is the clever alternative to conventional repair methods.

Cleansing + Protection

It is true that heating installation plants are water tight, but they are by no means gas tight. For this reason, oxygen can penetrate and cause corrosion damage.

Clean, safe, fast:
Seal any leaks from the inside

the REPA TECH brochure

Repa-Tech Videos

Function sealing tape REPA-TAPE5:29

Functioning Sealant for internal gas pipes3:20

Sealant for pipelines, boilers and thermal plants 6:45

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