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Sealing agents for pipeline Repa-R 500

REPA-R 500

  • up to 500 liters water loss per day
  • available in cans of 1 and 2 liters
Product informations
Waster loss
Applicable for steel, iron, copper and plastic material up to 200-500 Ltr./Day
Resistant to ageing
Resistant to pressure up to 10 bar
Resistant to temperature up to 1200°C
Resistant to chemicals
Unlimited storage time
Sensitive to frost
1. Establish water volume of heating installation (Average water contents of central heating installations)
2. Remove filters and dirt pans
3. Start operation of heating boiler and circulation pump
4. Fully open radiator valves
5. Shake sealing agent vigorously and pump it undiluted into the boiler filling and draining valve (1 litre REPA on 200 litres water)
6. Bring heating installation up to operation pressure and operation temperature
7. Deventilate circulation pump and radiators thoroughly
8. Pass over after approx. 5 hrs again into regular heating operation
9. Wash off and rinse with water thoroughly and immediately any tools and other objects having had contact with REPA

Important Instructions:

The heating installation must be in operation to achieve a successful sealing effect because REPA will reach the leakages only through circulation! Heat and time of effectiveness will favour the sealing process!

The sealing process may take a few days.

Do not use the sealing agent in heating installations filled with anti-frost or corrosion protection agents!

Empty heating installations filled with slurry or sludge and fill them with fresh water!

Unlimited shelf life under frost-free conditions!

Sealant for pipelines, boilers and thermal plants 6:45

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