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Sealing gas tube lines without the use of go-devils and without drying

NOVAP 2000 automatically finds capillary leaks in house tube connections and gas interior tubing and seals them permanently from the inside. One sole application will bring you the solution.

In this connection, defective tubes can be left in the walls. Mortising and chiselling up of the wall are for you and your customers a thing of the past.

You will save, on account of the unique viscosity of NOVAP 2000, an enormous amount of time, which you would have to spend when using other products such as a scraper or a go-devil, and for subsequent drying. In addition, you do not need any expensive tools or machines. What is more, NOVAP 2000 is extremely economical in use: usually, 1 kg is sufficient to seal the tubes of a complete apartment. And next time, you can even use the NOVAP 2000 agent again that you have collected from the tubes for further use.

Clean, safe, fast:
Seal any leaks from the inside

The REPA TECH brochure

NOVAP 2000

Sealing gas tube lines without the use of go-devils and without drying
More about NOVAP 2000

Repa-Tech Videos

Functioning Sealant for internal gas pipes3:20

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