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Liquid Sealing Agents for all heating installations,

boilers, thermal heating installations and boiler

The liquid hea­ting instal­la­tion Sealing Agents sup­plied by REPA-TECH auto­matically locate leaks and seal them per­manent­ly. They can be applied in con­nec­ntion with steel, iron, copper and plastic ma­te­rials. They are re­sis­tant to pres­sure, tem­pe­ra­ture, chemicals and age­ing. They are further­more non­poiso­nous and have an un­limited shelf-life.

Liquid heating sealing by means of products with REPA-TECH is the clever alternative to conventional repair methods. This is the end of mortising, welding or exchanging of components. Just apply REPA Sealing Agents by pumping them into the heating system, and within the shortest possible time everything has been completed.

Clean, safe, fast:
Seal any leaks from the inside

The REPA TECH brochure

REPA-R 200 and REPA-R 500

For tubes
In case of water losses
up to 200-500 liters per day
More about REPA-R 200More about REPA-R 500


For heating installation boilers


For gas thermal installation plants
More about REPA-THERM

Repa-Tech Videos

Sealant for pipelines, boilers and thermal plants 6:45

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