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Better to repair the pipe
than to renovate the wall!

The liquid sealing agents from REPA-TECH find the leaks independently by circulating through the system and seal them permanently. They can be used for steel, stainless steel, iron, copper and plastic. They are resistant to pressure, temperature, chemicals and ageing, non-toxic and can be stored indefinitely.

Using REPA-TECH products to seal heating systems is a clever alternative to conventional repair methods. No more chiselling, welding or replacing parts. Simply pump REPA sealant into the heating system and everything is done in no time.

REPA-R 200 und REPA-R 500

Sealant for boiler-operated heating systems
More about REPA-R 200More abot REPA-R 500


Sealant for boilers
More about REPA-KESSEL


Sealant for gas boilers and heat pump systems
More about REPA-THERM


Sealant for solar installations
More about REPA-SOLAR

Repa-Tech Videos

Funktionsweise Dichtmittel für Rohrleitungen, Heizkessel und Thermenanlagen 6:45

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